How Many Miles Can a Truck Last – Choose High Mileage Truck
How many kilometers a truck can run is usually closely related to how much effort you put into the regular maintenance of the truck. You may wonder, how many miles can a truck run? What is the life span of a truck? What is the maximum mileage of the truck? This guide will answer these questions about truck mileage for you.
How Many Miles Can a Truck Last?
It is normal for us to encounter a pickup truck with 200000 miles or more on the odometer. But does this mean that every truck can travel 200000 miles? Not necessarily, this is often closely related to the following factors. After analyzing 11.8 million cars sold in 2022, Isee cars found that 1.0% of all cars sold reached 200000 miles. But when it comes to pickups? Isee automobile company determined that 1.9% of pickup trucks sold in 2022 reached the milestone of 200000 miles. On average, pickup trucks are almost twice as likely to travel 200000 miles. The average speed of this segment is 1.9%, almost twice the average speed of all vehicles. Pickup trucks are often used as working vehicles, which may accumulate more mileage than typical passenger cars, and often benefit from more continuous preventive maintenance and necessary repairs. “
What is the Highest Mileage of the Truck?
For trucks, any mileage greater than 300000 miles is considered high mileage. However, depending on the model and manufacturer, your truck can last longer. The following are seven factors that determine vehicle life:
- Change the oil regularly.
- Fully change different vehicle fluids (coolant, steering, brakes and windshield).
- Transmission maintenance.
- Replace the spark plug.
- Replace the timing belt.
- Replace the air filter.
- Read and understand the maintenance manual correctly.
These seven factors can not only prolong the average life of the vehicle, but also save the cost of maintenance and fuel consumption. In the final analysis, how long this car can be used only depends on you and your care for it.
If you are a restrained driver, the car will not have accidents, and the parts and maintenance will be replaced when they expire. Except for bad luck, under normal circumstances, the car can be used for at least 20 years. If you don’t pay attention to it, your driving efficiency is low, and try to use all the debris until the last day, don’t expect to reach five years.
How to Get A High Mileage Truck
- Oil change
No matter what car you drive, regular oil change is essential maintenance. Of course, you should consult the user manual to determine the frequency of oil change. However, for most model years after 2008, it is recommended that you change the oil every 7500 miles or six months, whichever comes first. If you have an old truck, you should also make sure to change the oil filter every time you change the oil. There are various kinds of oil, some of which are specially designed to make full use of old trucks. Make sure to check the owner’s manual in order to select the correct viscosity index for the truck.
- Tire maintenance
As long as you change the oil, you should do some other daily maintenance. You should turn the tire every time you change the oil. Based on the power system, the tires of trucks usually have uneven wear, which will burden the suspension of trucks. Rotating them at each oil change will ensure that you drive smoothly and give you a chance to find any alignment problems.

- Keep the truck clean
If you live in a place with a lot of snow or ice, you may be too familiar with salt. Salt and other road dirt can tear the truck chassis, causing important parts to rust and even failure. If you want to avoid expensive repairs to the truck body, please take the truck to the car wash at least once a month.
You should also keep your truck external spic and span! We know that wearing cross-country mud is a bit like a badge of honor. However, if you want your car to look smooth, avoid paying for the new paint work and don’t let it sit too long.
- Keep the tire pressure normal
When you turn the tires, there is no reason not to keep them balanced. When you balance your tires, you distribute their weight evenly on the axle of the truck. Rough riding conditions, such as your off-road adventure, will cause your balance to slowly lose balance and eventually wear your suspension.
- Keep driving balance
When you drive, does your car seem to start turning to one side? This is a good sign. It’s time to align your car. Your alignment, just like your balance, will be seriously affected by the driving conditions when you drive the truck. Misalignment will lead to uneven tire wear, worse mpg and poor handling. All of these will significantly affect the service life of the vehicle.
This may also indicate that your tire pressure is uneven. This will happen if your balance / rotation is backward and your tires wear unevenly. Or, if the payload in the truck is heavily tilted to one side or the other. You should check the tire pressure once a month to make sure there is no uneven pressure or wear.
Changing the brake fluid is easier and cheaper than changing the caliper, hose and sensor. It should be noted that the brake fluid will absorb moisture. Therefore, routine replacement can also protect other components in the truck. It is recommended that you change the brake fluid once a year. Especially if you want to avoid lengthy and expensive brake maintenance.
- Coolant level
You should also check the coolant level regularly. The truck engine produces a lot of heat, especially the higher the horsepower. If you have a heavy truck, you need to maintain the top of the coolant level, just like your engine maintenance. If you don’t want the engine to overheat, please refer to the owner’s manual to know which coolant to use and what to do
FAQs of Truck
- How often should I change my truck?
In the final analysis, the life of the truck is your responsibility. How many miles can a truck run? A well maintained truck can reach the 100000 mile mark without any problem, while in some TLC, most trucks can reach the 200000 mile mark. Even the best trucks will not live long if they are ignored.
- How much should you pay for a second-hand truck?
There is also a rule of thumb: the odometer of a used truck will be worth half its original price for every 100000 miles. This figure comes from the general view that a car travels about 15000 miles every year. This means that six years later, this truck should be able to travel nearly 100000 miles, and as a brand-new truck, you can expect to pay half the price of the truck six years ago. However, it is important to remember that the price actually depends only on what the buyer and the seller agree: This is the mechanism of the free market. If you want to make a good deal on the truck, you should be prepared for price negotiation.
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